
In the context of various cooperation projects, mainly in the years 2006 to 2011, the integration of communication components in vehicles has been studied and demonstrated with a prototype. The focus was on the investigation of alternatives to 802.11p, on the integration of vehicles into an existing communications infrastructure and on the exploration of new communication concepts.

First the integration of a freely programmable, fully graphical displays was carried out in a research vehicle. This was extended by a 802.15.4a communication module. The work culminated in a prototypical structure in which a vehicle communicated with a road-side-unit. The result is expressed in the above video.

Twitter-Stream of the 7 Series BMW

This was followed by extensions to a cellular module as well as a Wi-Fi module. Thus, it is possible to cover different communication scenarios with the vehicle. So a Comming-Home-Function has been implemented, in which the vehicle transmits the data recorded on the day on a server after reaching the home Wi-Fi. Alternatively, the vehicle uses the cellular module for status updates via Twitter.